Thursday, November 03, 2011

what leadership looks like's_Cub_Scout.jpg

Characteristics of a good leader

  • have a strong desire to achieve...they think, plan and act with an "I can attitude".
  • are positive and enthusiastic regardless of how others act.
  • want to make things happen! They are active participants in the game of life.
  • are good friends. They have the ability to find something good in every person and every situation.
  • are assertive, persistent and productive. They have determination.
  • believe success depends on what you can get out of you
  • expose themselves to new experiences. For they know that is how growth occurs.
  • delegate responsibilities to members of the group or team in such a manner to create motivation and enthusiasm.
  • Possess high self-esteem.

The ten commandments of leadership

  1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity.
  2. Set the example for others to follow.
  3. Be an active coach.
  4. Maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
  5. Insist on excellence and hold your people accountable.
  6. Build group cohesiveness and pride.
  7. Show confidence in your people.
  8. Maintain a strong sense of urgency.
  9. Be available and visible to your staff.
  10. Develop yourself to your high test potential.

Strategies for putting yourself in a position to win

  • Identify and mobilize your resources
  • Realize from the start that you make your own breaks
  • Disregard the negativism and jealousy of others
  • Success should be noticed, not told! Speak softly when discussing your success. Practice humility
  • The less people know about why6 you are successful, the less competition you will have
  • Have a plan of action with an equally impressive contingency plan
  • Realize that you will learn something new every day. Capitalize on your new found knowledge
  • Remain focused. Avoid the temptation to splinter off to something new until you have mastered your primary task
  • You must leave "The Box". Think creatively. Allow your vision to know no boundaries. Common sense will prevail
  • Compensate people appropriately for what they are worth and what contributions they have made to your success
  • With every set back you’ll take two steps forward
  • You must learn to be comfortable with the concept of success and remain poised as it builds upon itself

source: Pasco-Hernando Community College

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