Friday, June 27, 2014

let the summer begin . . .

Today was the last day of classes and school ended at 1pm.  The teachers have at least one more week of hard work preparing units for the next school year, but this afternoon was set aside for lunch in a restaurant near my home.  Sardines and Chicken Curry were a nice change from my usual brown bag fare.

Such a treat . . .

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We are what we are . . .

                We are not quite novels.

                We are not quite short stories.

                In the end, we are collected works.

                                                                                               Gabrielle Zevin 

Sunday, June 08, 2014

it's jacaranda time again . . .

Av. de Saboia

All is well with the world when the jacarandas are in bloom.

If you look closely you can see that even the fallen petals make the world a more beautiful place . . .