Thursday, May 24, 2012

another Fellini moment

Every now and again we experience a Fellini moment.  Those moments when the situation is so off-the-wall and  bizarre that you wonder if it is really happening or if somehow you have become a character in Fellini film but then you remember that he's dead and you're not Italian so you must be awake and actually experiencing this.

I had a moment like that today.  I had one of those pin-ball machine-like verbal exchanges full of sharp tones that jump from one thing  to the next and never go anywhere or solve anything with my line manager.  I'm taking this out of context but at one point she said to me and I quote, "Ramona, you are miserable."

And I wonder to myself in what context or under what circumstances or on what planet this would ever be acceptable . . .

Saturday, May 19, 2012

bad Mac, bad Mac

 I can sooooo relate to this. . .

Thursday, May 17, 2012

a not so subtle message

I had to change my door today, the last display just wasn't working.

Will everyone just follow the damn rules?  Will everyone occasionally say "Ok"?  Greed, superficiality, and lack of respect for anyone and anything are running rampant.  I see less and less attention to detail and bigger and bigger egos.

Christ, I hope my dentist, cardiologist, banker, chef at any restaurant I eat in and every other professional I come across on planet Earth care about what they hell they do and follow the rules and don't just do the parts of the job they "like".

My door . . .

This has been the display on my door for the past 2 weeks.

It was only a dream  . . .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Like wow man!

Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it's the time of man
I don't know who I am
But you know life is for learning

Thursday, May 03, 2012

What's goin' on?

And I try, oh my God, do I try
I try all the time in this institution
And I pray, oh my God, do I pray
I pray every single day FOR A REVOLUTION!